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Exporting WooCommerce Products to Microsoft Excel File

Last updated on December 30, 2024

With the Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce, you can easily export WooCommerce products. The products are exported to CSV (Comma-separated values), XML (Extensible Markup Language), TSV (Tab-separated values), or Mircosoft Excel files. The Excel file can have XLS or XLSX file formats. To export products to a Microsoft Excel file, set the option Export file format to XLS or XLSX.

Steps to export the product data to an Excel file

  1. Navigate to WebToffee Import Export (Pro) > Export from your WordPress admin dashboard. 
  2. Choose the post type as Product
Choose the post type as product
  1. Now select an export method. Since Advanced export is selected by default, let’s proceed with that (Note that Excel is supported for quick export as well).
Select advanced product export method
  1. You can filter out the required data with the help of WooCommerce product filters using this step. However, if you want to export all data ignore this step and proceed to the next. 
Filter data
Filter data
  1. In this step, you can select, rename and re-order the product data columns that you want in the Excel file. But if you are fine with the default selections, you may simply proceed to the next step.
select, map, rename and reorder the product columns
  1. In the Advanced options/Batch Export/Scheduling page, you may provide an export file name and change the Export file format to XLS or XLSX
  2. Configure other advanced options on the page if required and then click on the Export button. 
Export file format
Export file format
  1. Click on Download in the pop-up window to initiate the file download.  
download the XLS or XLSX file

Refer to the detailed documentation on how to export WooCommerce products for more information. 

With this, you can get all the information about a product, such as images, categories, prices, and so on, in an excel spreadsheet.

A sample XLS file
Sample view of the exported XLS file.